We will be sending out a survey to key workers in the public, private and third sector, who have social care or educational roles.
Our interest is to understand the impact of the COVID19 outbreak on them and on their work. We would like to know how they have adapted to the outbreak, and what services and support they think children, young people and parents / carers need. This will help us to understand the barriers children, young people and parents experience in gaining access to support, and what resources they are able to use.
The survey is open to anyone who sees themself as a keyworker supporting children, young people and families. This includes professional and voluntary roles.
More information about how we will collect, store and use your data can be found here:
The survey can be completed here: https://stirling.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/covid-19-and-social-services-response-online-consent-form
Update: this survey is now closed. A follow-up survey has been sent to all key workers who took part to the first survey. A second follow-up will be sent, if consent is given, in six months time. We are thankful to everyone who has taken part to the survey.